United Sunrise Daycare


Introducing Learning Beyond the
Traditional Structure

We offer a curriculum that goes beyond traditional teaching methods. Our dynamic approach, designed for Pre-School to Pre-K, featuring:
Boy play with globe

Engaging Themes, Endless Discovery

Our flexible, weekly lesson plans spark curiosity and exploration in young learners.


A World of Activities

With over 4,000 activities at our fingertips, teachers can create personalized learning journeys tailored to each child’s needs and interests.


Dynamic Growth

We believe in learning that evolves. Our activities adapt to individual learning styles, fostering growth and development.

STEAM Learning Through Play

Our curriculum is centered on hands-on exploration in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. Through active learning, we empower students to develop critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills.

Research-Based Classrooms

We believe learning is a holistic experience that extends beyond the classroom. Our thoughtfully designed curriculum, crafted by experienced educators, fosters cognitive growth and intellectual curiosity through engaging daily activities.

Inspired by 21st Century Learning Curriculum

Inspired by 21st-century learning principles, United Sunrise Center equips children with the essential skills to thrive in today’s world and beyond. We foster collaboration, digital literacy, critical thinking, and problem-solving to prepare students for a future marked by constant change.

Different Stages of Learning in Children


Infants rapidly develop in their first year, with distinct milestones. United Sunrise Center equips caregivers to create engaging activities for immobile and mobile infants, fostering strong bonds and optimal learning.


Between 18 and 36 months, toddlers become curious explorers. Through engaging in play and exploration, they develop a strong sense of self, discovering their capabilities and preferences. Supportive teachers play a vital role in this journey, fostering a nurturing environment that encourages exploration and experimentation


At age three, children develop impressive problem-solving skills. Our program encourages creative exploration, allowing children to fully express their abilities. Active learning helps them grow in all areas of development. To track progress and maintain excitement, we provide regular developmental assessments.


Four-year-olds take what they learned in preschool as a foundation and build on it. They love to explore and learn new things. With repeated practice, previously learned concepts solidify, and language skills flourish, preparing them for kindergarten success.